Monday, October 27, 2008

My Wife's Email to her friends

Yesterday I was a new born baby to my parents.

After few days I started going to the school and my parents were bothered that I would bring one or the other boys with me and introduce to them saying ... mom .. meet my boyfriend. Well I crossed that age, without bothering my parents and the boys' too.

I went to college, first step outside home and parents were again bothered...I might introduce them with there son in law...telling them that we are going to have a baby in few months... well I went past through that again and married to the man of my dreams and my parents too :)

Well I now have a new job and parents are again bothered that I might just lost in the worldly politics... Well this is life. You complete one full circle and then see the same in your child.

Today when I look into the eyes of my young kid, I can see the whole world in her eyes and at the same time visualize my days too.

First Life
First Day
First Touch
First School
First Girl
First College
First Boyfriend
First Job
First Husband and will be last too :)
First Baby and will not be last though ;)
First Family
First Home

The Complete Family

I hope by now everybody would start wondering, M and babies, well does not sound that bad though :), as this is surely MY story. You guessed it right friends!

In this group till yesterday we were spreading and sharing news (we still are) of getting married with the love *OF* there life. Now soon everybody(hopefully) should start sharing and spreading the news of the love *IN* there life.

Wishing good luck to all the new mommies and the mommies in the process :) Well Dads...will have to wait till girls bring there boyfriends home and boys will do a night out.


  1. thats nicely written give manu a pat on the back :)

  2. Anonymous1:43 PM

    btw, the author of the email was me :D, i wrote this email to college group some 2 years ago...

  3. oh.... but the tittle said ur wife's email to her friends me confused yaar
