Monday, November 10, 2008

time to say good bye

Don't take wrong again, its not me, but many others, who are deemed jobless, forced to leave or were asked to leave.
It was all in news in my office too, where many more like me survived 12.5% layoff. Not sure how many more to go, but I am good as far as I am not loosing one. People are talking in open and covered, about the manager who just left or is leaving in couple of days.
Many people saying keep us, we will take a salary cut, many saying, I am better off, finding another job with more salary. Well there is always requirement of good people. But its just the matter of luck. Sometimes, many deserving candidates sit at home for many months, and some non deserving candidates, manage to stay in layoff.
Something similar happened to one of my close friends, his lead had a attitude problem, was very arrogant and rude and was giving hard time to my fren, real pain in butt....and he was chopped off. Not due to his behavior, but he was just too costly to maintain...moreover it was heard while he was talking to his friends, [company name] can not afford me Hindi its said rassi jal gayi lekin bal nahi gaya.
That said, I would say its the time to work and not play, you never know if somebody is watching you, and you could be the next in line :)

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