Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Communication Meet

After repeated requests from the US counterparts and also due to influx of people from so many dialects, Tech Lead at last thought of doing a communication meet, so that everybody speaks the same tone. People from same states have different language understanding, and more over they never even try to rectify it, thinking whatever they know is the best of best.

So the tradition of meeting twice weekly started, spending some time together, and were asked to pick mistakes (if any) from an individuals' 2 minutes speech.

Some people welcomed it and some tried to escape it. Well they were even threatened that their performance will be measured on this basis too.

Well, days passed by and somebody got benefited with it and some wasted their time. During that 2 minute session people were more horrified than comfortable, as they were afraid, that his performance appraisal will be affected. Also, that became more off a tech session than a place to learn. Anyway after some time we all got bored with the monotonous routine; we decided to shift to reading session. And in between we also managed to have a group discussion.

One of the best discussions was when Chinna said English language should not be made mandatory for primary schools, and it should be the choice of parents in which medium they want their child to study. Topic came out to be a heavy blow on each others face, who were against it and in support of it. As all the discussions went on there was no conclusion. But the thing that I enjoyed there was that people who generally do not speak can be asked to speak and present their views as the topic is general. When a technical topic is discussed then it remains confined to the scope of its technicality.

Any which way, all in all the topic was really mind opening and I guess in future we should discuss more of general topics, to make all involved.

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