Its been long, since I had updated this blog, here. Well just a week. Seems like ages.
Reason, most of you know, and for others...changing diapers. Sure yeah, changing my diapers. Well, when in the middle of the night, when somebody asks you to change her diapers and rock her till she sleeps, and then nicely swaddle her till she feels comfortable, feels pissing in your own pants.
But, yeah, when she is in your arms, you forget, if that's midnight or midday. Even, when you are rock solid from outside, asking everybody else to not to hold her in your arms, trying to discipline a 15 day old baby, inside, you want to hold her for just few more minutes. Want to make her rest in your arms. for just few more minutes, just want to make sure she is tight asleep, before she wakes up in few hours for her next gig.
Life is a bag of mixed feelings. You want to make her life as comfortable as possible, at the same time you are thinking of making her self sufficient, stand on her feet by herself. As independent as possible. You want to work hard now and give her good lifestyle. At the same time you don't want to leave her even for a sec, chances are, you might miss something new.
Well, for all I am these days sitting at home looking for a project. I am out of work. So if any of you can help me, would appreciate it a lot.